Friday 27 February 2015

The first issue of FLM

I'm always pleased when a profesor assigns a reading from FLM as the articles tend to be more meaningful to me than articles from some other journals. The articles tend to also be of manageable  length and use language I can readily understand. Given all the above, I wasn't surprised to find the claim from the very first issue that the journal is "intended for math teachers," that the articles should be limited to 2500-5000 words (which I think is as long as most articles ever need to be!). The journal has a good international representation amongst editors, and seems to focus on issues relevant for math educators. The articles seem aimed for people with a mathematics background - not too much focus for elementary teachers - and most topics seem to be around secondary or early universtiy math.

A peculiarity of the journal is that it doesn't feature abstracts. I question this decision on behalf of the editors as I think abstracts are pretty important when I decide if an article will be relevant to what I am interested in researching at the time. I suspect the editors hoped that people would treat the journal as more of a magazine to subscribe and flip through, but when examining back issues for certain topics, it is useful to have an abstract.

Saturday 21 February 2015

week 7: why study geometry?

My reading for this week included two short letters explaining reasons to study geometry. Both point out that geometrical reasoning is another form of reasoning with mathematical concepts, and that, while it may not train students directly for the job market, it can train students how to think.

IN a similar vein, Last summer, a (younger) friend of mine got her first teaching job, and was a bit worried as she was teaching a block of Math 8, and wasn't too comfortable with math. Nonetheless, as a new teacher, she was super-keen to try to do a good job, and sent me an email asking for advice. In her email, she told me she had always hated math as it never seemed at all interesting, relevant or useful to her, and that she thought she should spend most of the Grade 8 year focusing on the stats and probability units as these were the only ones she saw any real life connections to. This was my response to her...

you can't really think of all the math we teach in schools as being useful for the regular person in the real world. some is, some isn't. studying math and learning the problem solving, patterning etc. generally makes people more intelligent - builds brain cells allowing them to be more adept at problem solving, following patterns, understanding logic in various aspects of life. furthermore, things like linear relations, integers, fractions etc. are important for future math. at a grade 8 level, you're still focusing on a general education - (most) 13 year old kids aren't mature enough to decide where they want to specialize, so some of the things we teach are just to give background for future math.

Friday 13 February 2015

Week 6: Learning from Learners: Robust Counterarguments in Fifth Graders Talk about Reasoning and Proving

In this article, Zack outlines a problem and erroneous solutions she gave her class. The 'chessboard' problem asks students to find all the squares in a 4x4 grid, then extends to a 5x5, 10x10 and 60x60 grid. She then gives a solution that a 10x10 grid has 385 squares, which you can multiply by 6 to get 385 X 6 = 2310 squares. Her students adeptly identify that this is incorrect, and she outlines 5 counterarguments given by nearly every student in her class.

I had a lot of trouble accepting Zack's arguments as, based on my teaching experience, her results seemed nearly impossible! The language Zack gives in her counterarguments is clearly her own, and does not convince me that it is what a Grade 5 student would think about the problem. I would imagine that a 60x60 grid is quite an abstract concept for a 5th grader, and to concieve of numbers of squares in the thousands (apparently, the correct answer is 73 810 squares) seems to be quite a tall order. I felt there must have been quite a bit of coaxing from the teacher/interviewer to encourage the students to come up with these detailed counterarguments - I was not convinced that these would represent Grade 5 students' independant thinking.

Having criticized Zack's methods, I do appreciate her analysis on the value of counterexamples, and teaching these from a young age. She says "Having a diverse assortment of counterarguments is beneficial. The counter-arguments tell us different things about the mathematics in the task." I think encouraging various counterarguments is a great way to help students consolidate different areas of Math across topics.

Sunday 8 February 2015

Week 5: Models and Maps from the Marshall Islands

In this article, Ascher describes the Marshall Islands, and the way that people were able to navigate the oceans around there. In particular, she describes a device called a Mattang which is used to measure swells and interpret the ocean landmarks based on these. She makes the point that without knowledge of western mathematics which would normally be used to navigate the ocean (trigonometry, ocean winds and so on), Marshall Islanders have found a highly scientific oral tradition which allows them to navigate their waters.

In her conclusion, Asher states
Geometric and then algebraic representations of physical systems have been the hallmark of modern science. The linkage is so tight it is hard to conceive of the study of physics without the involvement of mathematical ideas and mathematical descriptors... these discussions have included speculation on whether this is the nature of the universe, or the nature of the human mind, or simply the scientific tradition of Western culture. (pg. 366)
This is certainly not the only occurrence where a people without knowledge of western mathematics have performed amazing feats of engineering (ancient structures like Machu Pichu and the Pyramids come to mind). Western mathematics has found many efficient and effective ways of describing phenomenon, but this is really only one 'way of knowing' how the world around us interacts, It's interesting in the reading to understand how an isolated culture has used very intense powers of observation to solve the problem of navigating around complicated waters. It's also interesting to consider how these ways of gaining knowledge result in a different world view.